Saturday, October 26, 2019

Behaviorism and the Never-Ending Need for Discipline Essay -- Educatio

Behaviorism and the Never-Ending Need for Discipline Webster’s dictionary defines education as â€Å"the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course or study of discipline.† I, however, see it as much more. Education, in my perspective, is the greatest gift a human can receive. I want to be one of the many caring individuals that can give this priceless gift- I want to be a teacher. There are many current trends and philosophies when dealing with education. Behaviorism, the philosophy of education in which I regard, will be incorporated into my classroom in some form or fashion. Education today has taken a turn for the worse when analyzing behavior. I know, from personal experience, that the behavior of children has curdled. I feel that if I can help students become more intelligent and courteous citizens, then I have completed my job successfully. Although there are many philosophies of education, I feel that behaviorism is one that should be included in every teacher’s curriculum b ecause children today need educated socially as well as cognitively. Often times people have life-altering events that occur at the strangest of times. I am no different than anyone else. My career was set from the day that I walked into my kindergarten class. It was then that I knew that I wanted to be an educator. It was quickly learned that I loved school and that I wanted it to be a part of my life forever. As I grew up, I recognized the many different types of individuals around me. I saw kids with learning disorders, physical handicaps, and exceptional abilities. After realizing that I would someday have to deal with these multiple situations, I decided that if I can influence children’s lives then it ... ... students can easily learn from. If God blesses me to learn all that I am supposed to learn here at Concord, then I know that I will be prepared to teach to the best of my ability. I feel that I am receiving the best education possible here and I am confident that I will be successful in my future endeavors because of this. The final comments of this paper should certainly contain a conclusion of my thoughts of how behaviorism can affect the school system. All the philosophies of education are good ones, but I yearn to see the day when all children are as courteous and loving as they used to be. If we can make children’s behavior better, eventually these kids will grow up and procreate, producing a new generation of disciplined individuals. The future begins now and behaviorism is the key to success in terms of education both cognitively and socially.

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